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Alternate access to the RAMPARTS!
posted by John : June 29, 2024

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The prize

So you know I'm a sucker for the Ramparts. It's how I determine when summer actually begins. It's not about weather or calendars. It's all about when I have my first good day in the Ramparts. (This year it was June 8.)

Naturally, I'd love to be up in the Ramparts earlier in the year. But that's a hecka slog up the snowed-over Forest Service roads. Wouldn't it be simpler to just... you know... climb up from Gold Creek? (Seriously, I need to stop asking these kinds of questions because they only get me in trouble.)

We've tried to climb up on multiple occasions, but they all ended in failure. Rather than continue to beat our collective heads against the stupid-steep slope, I figured we could cheat and start at the top.

It wasn't completely cheating. We still had to climb to Lake Lillian and up the Gully of Doom. We had a good glissade down to the Rampart Lakes basin and made our way to the far side where the ground drops off.

Whoo boy. Here we go.

First it was down a nice gully. Gentle. Snow and brush. Lovely.

Then it was steep snow through small trees. Better than no snow, but only just.

Oh great. Now the snow's gone. Rocks and logs and grab ahold of that veggie belay!

We followed the creek down and down. Then down some more. There are some lovely waterfalls, but few have good spots to view them. Suddenly... "This looks familiar." "No it doesn't." "Yes, it does! I took a picture of that tree!"

That cemented it. We'd made it down to where we'd been able to climb to. If we'd been carrying a golden spike, that's where we would have driven it. The rest was easy.

It was totally worth it and we won't do it again. It's not a reasonable approach and the descent isn't that good. There's nothing spectacular along the way.

Of course, I did create a Strava segment and that means I hold the course record. I dare you to beat me. No? Good thinking.

📍On the lands of the Wenatchi people.

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