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It's just a cave, right?
posted by John : April 23, 2023

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Last NPS site of the trip

(This is part of the TENNESSEE! Tour. When I finally get a little caught up on posts, you can read about how we got into the south at (Clicking that before it's posted will get you an error.))

By now, you must realize I plan road trips based on the hikes and NPS sites we can visit. And if it's in a state I've not previously been in? BONUS! As we neared the end of our TENNESSEE! Tour, I saw a little known, out of the way NPS unit called Russell Cave National Monument in Alabama. Sure, we'd have to cache directions like in the olden days of MapQuest (which still somehow exists), but it wasn't that far out of the way.

There was nobody else at the site when we arrived. The visitor center was closed for construction, but a temporary ranger station was open just a short way away. We walked in, got our stamps, and I asked my traditional question, "What's the coolest thing here?" "NOTHING," was the disinterested response. The ranger was clearly not stoked about being posted here and had none of the exuberance we find in almost any other park. So...

We left and followed the signs for the short walk to Russell Cave. After all, that's why we were here. The ranger had apparently not walked this way because the cave was cool! Sure, it would have been cooler had we been allowed to go in, but it was still wonderful. A little creek emerged from the ground below our feet and disappeared into the darkness of the cave.

The history of the place, and the reason it's a national monument, were neat, too. It's been used for over 10,000 years and has been largely undisturbed for that time. If you're wondering if it's worth the drive, the answer is yes. Just don't ask the ranger.

📍On the lands of the S’atsoyaha people.

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