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Higher than you (if you were in Tennessee)
posted by John : April 22, 2023

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We made it!

(This is part of the TENNESSEE! Tour. When I finally get a little caught up on posts, you can read about how we got into the south at (Clicking that before it's posted will get you an error.))

Time was not on our side. Although we'd started as early as we could, we were hampered by the late opening of the Andrew Johnson National Historic Site and the many, many miles between the other stops for the day. It was looking like we might not make it before closing so I was sweating and grumbling as cars were slow on the roads of Great Smoky Mountains National Park.

What was the big deal? If we didn't make it by closing we wouldn't get our stamp. Eh? OUR STAMP! You know. Our National Park Service Passport stamp. Only available in National Parks and often only when the visitor centers are open. We have a big book full of stamps that we have been lugging around for years. It just wouldn't do to not get the stamp.

Luckily, we pulled into the parking lot with just minutes to spare. Lilly jumped out and raced inside to get our stamp. Phew. Now we could leisurely climb up Clingman's Dome to tag the high point of Tennessee.

It's an easy, paved hill. The wind was blowing and it was chilly, as befits any state high point, but the sun was out and most everyone else was fleeing the "bad weather". Atop the natural high point, Tennessee (or was it the NPS) had built the craziest observation tower ever. It was precariously balanced on a single column of concrete with a long, winding walkway spinning around to get up to the top.

Great views, though.

We celebrated briefly and headed down. The Appalachian Trail passes over the high point so I hiked quickly south to a spur that would return me to the parking lot. Lilly opted for the less adventurous walk down the pavement. The AT was lovely, but the spur wasn't worth it and I wound up having to climb when I got to the parking lot.

This was by far our busiest day. Three new NPS sites and three new state high points. We drove to our hotel near the first stop of the next day and collapsed into our beds.

What do you think will be on tomorrow's agenda? If you guessed more NPS sites and high points, you're right. But which ones?

📍On the lands of the Miccosukee people.

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