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Blue Ridge Parkway? They should have called it the Cloudy Ridge Parkway!
posted by John : April 22, 2023

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Cold, windy, happy

(This is part of the TENNESSEE! Tour. When I finally get a little caught up on posts, you can read about how we got into the south at (Clicking that before it's posted will get you an error.)

After the disillusioning stop at the Andrew Johnson National Historic Site, we were heading to our next spot. Google, which had so far steered us mostly right, but definitely wrong at least once, told us to hop on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Ok. Sure. It's an NPS site, too, but it's just a road. We planned to stop at the Blue Ridge visitor center to get our stamp, but sure, we'll drive the road.

Turns out it's beautiful. Well, what we could see anyway. We were in the clouds just about the entire time. Kind of felt like home. At about the half way point, there was a visitor center. Would they have stamps? YES!

We braved the gloom and wind to get our stamp before continuing on our way. We passed tons of trailheads and I would love to have spent more time there, but we had places to be.

And remember two paragraphs ago when I wrote it was cloudy "just about" the entire time? As soon as we crested the ridge and started down we left the clouds behind. I can see the attraction for the area.

Still weird the NPS manages a road, though.

📍On the lands of the ᏣᎳᎫᏪᏘᏱ Tsalaguwetiyi people.

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