If you're reading this now the first thing you wonder is, "Why did he go on a trip like this when we're all supposed to be sheltering-in-place?!?" Well, this was before the stay-home order was issued. Back then, we were supposed to maintain our social distance, but could still go out. What a heady, innocent time it was.
We chose this destination and route because it would be the sort of place nobody else would go. In summer it's crowded, but in winter (or the very beginning of spring), it's deserted. The road to the trailhead is closed and the main approach is generally off limits due to avalanche danger. Sounds perfect for distancing, right?
We started from an alternate trailhead because the logging road was closed. There wasn't any snow, but we were carrying all our gear for later in the day as we wound through the moss-covered forest. It wasn't until we were a couple miles up the trail alongside the creek that we found snow. Not nice, fluffy snow. This was bulletproof ice. No worries: crampons. Gosh, I love traction.
The lake was frozen so we walked across. The shore always looks different from the middle of the lake. On the far shore, the snow was much softer so we switched to snowshoes to gain the ridge. It was a slow, but steady march to the summit with only two open slopes, both well consolidated with great views. As expected, the summit ws deserted except for a goat. Not to worry. Goats are masters at social distancing and bailed when we arrived. Since the avalanche-prone trail was baking in the mid morning sun, we stuck to the trees and descended to the summer trail.
Whoa. A person. (Even weirder: She recognized Tinkham from the socials!) We kept our distance and continued on.
Another person. Another. A group. What the heck?
That road that was closed? It was still closed, but the road was snow-free and people drove around the closure signs. We hadn't seen anyone up higher because the snow was turning folks back. People aren't totally crazy, but as we got closer to the trailhead the traffic on the trail got thicker. With so many people, social distancing was hard.
So our last adventure before the lockdown was a good one. Sun, snow, and complete isolation... at least for the first half. It's no wonder our trails have now closed to help slow the spread of the virus.
Now we're grounded at home. There's no place to adventure. Stay tuned and watch as we come down with cabin fever. It should be entertaining.